I2c wire library between arduinos
I2c wire library between arduinos

Static constexpr I2CHandle::Config _i2c_configįor(unsigned char address = 1 address < 127 address++) Here’s my libdaisy version: #include "daisy_seed.h" Serial.println("No I2C devices found\n") ĭelay(5000) // wait 5 seconds for next scanĪnd the output (connected via A4/A5 to 3 daisy-chained (!) GPIO boards: Scanning. Serial.print("I2C device found at address 0x") Here’s the i2cScanner code from Arduino that I’m porting: #include įor(byte address = 1 address < 127 address++ ) I wonder if you’d have a look at my code? While (Wire.I thought I understood everything based on your comments, Stephen, but I’m having no success. Wire.requestFrom(8, 6) // request 6 bytes from slave device #8

i2c wire library between arduinos

Serial.begin(9600) // start serial for output Wire.begin() // join i2c bus (address optional for master) This example code is in the public domain. Refer to the "Wire Slave Sender" example for use with this Reads data from an I2C/TWI slave device slave is just to send 6 bytes ("Hello ") to master when prompted. Here is the code which is just copy pasted from Wire library examples ( master reader for master arduino and slave sender for slave arduino. Master sends data seamlessly ( although here master is just reading but i was able to send data from master to slave successfully) but when master requests data from slave it does not get desired response. i have assessed that problem is in requestEvent function of slave as that either doesnt send anything.

i2c wire library between arduinos

Problem only appears when master requests data from another arduino slave (master sends data successfully to slave arduino but vice versa is not true). Definitely there is something wrong with my approach. Unable to do what i was upto i resorted to example sketches of Wire library to assess what i was doing wrong and to my surprise even example sketches were not working. I am not able to receive bytes from slave arduino. then i wanted to establish i2c communication between 2 arduinos such that both exchange each other's sensors data. I tried i2c EPROM and that worked pretty fine with arduino master.

I2c wire library between arduinos